Thursday 17 May 2007

FBA--Fabulous Book Alert

How Much? Visiting Markets Around the World. Ted Lewin; Harper Collins, 2006.

I came across this book at an independent bookstore last summer and knew it would fit perfectly with a goods and services/market unit our second grade classes do in the spring. With illustrations of markets around the world, from the camel markets of Cairo to a market on the train tracks in Agua Calientes, Peru, the language is rich and poetic. When describing a night flower market in Madras, India, Ted Lewin writes

"The lamps reveal half a face here, a silhouetted hand, flashing white teeth there, half a body draped in a gorgeous silk sari."

Makes me want to hop on a plane and go now! For many kids in the international school system, there is a good chance they have been to some of these markets or at least dream of going at some point in their travels--for me, it's the camel market in Cairo that I hope to get to one day...